Thursday 22 May 2014

Reflections on Rand Farm

"For the first time I fed a sheep. They were tugging on the milk - it was good because I have never done it before". Summer

"My best bit was feeding the calves. Also we had to clean out the rabbit hutches as part of our chores. That involved cleaning out the poop and replacing the straw. We got to hold them afterwards." Kelly

"Today I fed the goats with a bottle. It was the first time I've done it. I did like it." Thomas

"This is the best place I've ever been because it is the most fun I've had on the best school trip I've been on. I can now offer others good advice for how to walk sensibly." Tom

"Well, the trampolines were the best bit, Miss Leigh  

"I've always been afraid of bulls trying to suck off my fingers but I went up to the gate and conquered it! My best moment was feeding the lambs." Tabby